All the girls are fun, enthusiastic and of course, so beautiful. I definitely can't wait to get to know them more through this whole experience!
Melanie, Angela, Danielle and Mandie cutting out the freezer paper stencil for the banner.
All the girls decided hand prints on the banner were a must.
Danielle, Cassie and BriAnna doing their thing.
Girls still hard at work trying to cut the stencil out.
After the stencil was cut out, I ironed down the stencil and the girls (Angela, Danielle, BriAnna and Cassie) went crazy with the fabric paint and paint brushes.
I bought fabric spray paint, and after the girls placed their painted hands down on the fabric, we sprayed the tops of their hands to get another hand print shape. It turned out looking great and the girls loved it! After the girls were done painting the freezer stencil I went over it with the same fabric spray paint.
I peeled the freezer stencil off, and the girls sprayed the fabric down with glitter spray. Then we hot-glued the big ol' rhinestones down.
Pretty cute, huh?!
That looks really cool! It must be so rewarding knowing you are giving these girls a wonderful camp experience! xx