Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Creativity: Meredith of Yours, Mine & Ours

Day 3 of HEIA: Creativity.

Meet Meredith: fashion blogger, mama, and the greatest cheapskate I have ever had the pleasure of knowing (at least through cyberspace). She uses very creative financial solutions to indulge in fashion. Let's all learn a little from her wisdom shall we?

 Hey guys! 
I'm Meredith and I blog over at yours, mine & ours where I cover freepiled mama style.
Woo hoo!
 Today creativity is on the brain. And more specifically: creativity via how I dress on the cheap.

Ok so there are sooo many style/fashion blogs out that rock (like so many, love it). 
So what's so different about mine? 
I feel like I'm a little more creative in regards to my "clothing budget" than most.
Meaning, I don't have one. I prefer to spend nothing (or as little to that as possible) and still get dressed decently daily. 
From my no spend 2011 new years resolutions, to hosting/attending clothing swaps, to free estate sale-ling
I'm sharing with whoever cares what I've believed my whole life: cheapskates rule!
I also try to sew a few simple items here and there when I really crave something new.
I'm not a very skilled seamstress (like at all) but making even an uber easy skirt gets my creative juices going 
(also, if I ever catch Project Runway I really feel like sewing. those people are amaze brigade!).
Long story short: I'm cheap, proud, and I love trying to be creative daily!

P.S. Want to add your voice to the discussion on creativity? E-mail me at hannahmoore2007 at hotmail dot com.


  1. Oh my goodness! LOVE her! I've thought of starting a similar fashion blog, because yeah, I don't have a budget either and can't drop 60 dollars for a sun dress. So great to see REAL people fashion blogging :)

  2. I know, I totally agree! She is fabulous. I love that she does what works for her, too -- she's not ridiculously, over-the-top trendy.

  3. She is great! I love that she has an actual unique fashion blog. Fashion blogging isn't something I spend too much time looking at, but I always visit Meredith's.


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