Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Jesus Freak

Towards the end of my internship the boss lady asked me if I would be interested in shadowing the police reporter, and then a few days later covering the police beat by myself. I was happy to oblige -- anything for the sake of an experience.

I shadowed Adam Young, the night cops reporter for the Avalanche-Journal, on Good Friday. Adam knew there was a good chance of something exciting happening with religious extremists and those looking for any excuse to get drunk prowling the town.

Turns out Adam was right. It didn't take long to get a call about a Jesus freak hanging out on the streets. And not just any Jesus freak, a long-haired, bearded, fake thorn crown, dripping in blood and "hanging" on a cross Jesus freak.*

Monday, May 30, 2011

Be Glamorous

When I was a little girl I used to sit on the edge of my mom's bed watching her as she sat cross-legged, a vanity mirror held up to her face as she applied her makeup. Although my mom, a mother of four, probably felt anything but glamorous -- I thought she was.

Several years in a row I dressed up as a cheerleader for Halloween, and my mom would dust my cheeks with blush and coat my lashes in mascara. There is a picture of me, I'm probably about 7, standing in a cheerleading costume, my eyes wide as saucers because I wasn't quite use to the sometimes sticky feel done-up eyelashes can have. My mouth held a smirk, and I can attest to this right now -- I felt like the most glamorous 7-year-old the world had ever seen.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Won't you be my neighbor?

My friend Spencer asked me to take some engagement photos of him and his future bride, Samantha. They're getting married today (hooray!) in the Lubbock LDS temple. And the funny thing is, there last name is Rogers, and they will (kind of) be our neighbors...get it? Do you get it? I'll also be taking photos of their reception -- so look out for those!

Check out their fun personalities:

Friday, May 27, 2011


I've been meaning to post this, but between May 14 and now life has been happening -- fancy that, huh?

Anywho, to the point: I'm a college graduate! I now have a BA in journalism, and a minor in studio arts. Who wants to hire me? Let's start a "Hire Hannah" campaign. Sounds good, no? I even started a cool website where you can see my resume and samples of my work. Check it out.

I was excited for graduation, but not for the same reasons as my peers. I wasn't in that sentimental funk of bemoaning the idea of no more sorority or drunken nights, because frankly, I never had that college experience. I guess it doesn't help when you rearrange your life milestones. Marriage before college graduation is not the norm for my peers (okay, okay, if I went to BYU that'd be a different story.) For the most part, besides not going to school, my life -- happily -- wouldn't be changing much. I would still be married to my best friend, why complain? But now, instead of paying someone to work, maybe someone would pay ME to work. What a deal.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

To My Mom(s)

To my momma...

You gave me life.

You let me wear stripes with polka dots.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Speaking of Osama

Monday morning when I got to the newsroom the boss lady asked me to head out to the streets to get reactions from Lubbock residents on the death of Osama bin Laden.

This is the story that ran.

The part that didn't make it in the story...

Friday, May 6, 2011


Ah...hello, again. I feel like I've been slowly coming out of a coma -- a school coma. And it's about time.

Enjoy some art work I made from this semester! It was nice to create pieces that had content beyond "draw what you see." Also...pretend I didn't do most of this in the last two weeks of school.

The title of this one is pretty simple: Eve.

I used charcoal and colored pencil. You can see the beginning stages and the extra credit homework based off of this drawing here and here.