Friday, May 27, 2011


I've been meaning to post this, but between May 14 and now life has been happening -- fancy that, huh?

Anywho, to the point: I'm a college graduate! I now have a BA in journalism, and a minor in studio arts. Who wants to hire me? Let's start a "Hire Hannah" campaign. Sounds good, no? I even started a cool website where you can see my resume and samples of my work. Check it out.

I was excited for graduation, but not for the same reasons as my peers. I wasn't in that sentimental funk of bemoaning the idea of no more sorority or drunken nights, because frankly, I never had that college experience. I guess it doesn't help when you rearrange your life milestones. Marriage before college graduation is not the norm for my peers (okay, okay, if I went to BYU that'd be a different story.) For the most part, besides not going to school, my life -- happily -- wouldn't be changing much. I would still be married to my best friend, why complain? But now, instead of paying someone to work, maybe someone would pay ME to work. What a deal.

The parental unit and my three brothers came into town to celebrate. We had a good time visiting, and eating lots and lots of food. My mom's carry-on on the airplane was fresh California strawberries straight from the farm -- she loves me. We definitely had a good time.

Oh, and we picked up some cake from Wal Mart to celebrate, and my dad wanted to get this "Red Raider" (mascot for Tech) cupcake cake...


He was pretty bummed when he told him that was Elmo. Do you see the resemblance?

Between now and then I have applied for what feels like about a thousand different jobs -- still not much of a direction, although I do have a few leads. I'm not sure where we're headed, but I'm sure we'll figure it out soon.

Like Nathaniel said the other day: Adventure is out there! And ain't that the truth?


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