Friday, June 13, 2014

June N-town

With our move to Amarillo coming up, June marked my last month as the N-town editor. It was definitely bitter-sweet! Check it out here.


Sunday, June 8, 2014

Oklahoma Baby Shower

Some sweet friends from church threw us a co-ed baby shower/going away party this weekend. We were grateful for the chance to celebrate with our friends and say goodbye! Sadly, I was a bad picture taker and didn't take a single one myself and thus, missed a lot of photos with friends! Thanks to Andrea, one of my hostesses, for snapping these ones for me.

 With my wonderful hostesses Sandra, Andrea, Amy and Ann!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Alien Encounter aka Baby Kicks

Feeling your baby move, roll and kick inside you is one of the most surreal experiences. Words do not adequately describe it. Seeing it is about as weird as it feels. Case in point:

I swear she's about to burst through the skin at any moment. Straight up alien encounter over here.
