Palo Duro Canyon outside of Amarillo, Texas
Nathaniel was lucky enough to have graduated with a job. I am at once incredibly proud and jealous! Nathaniel accepted a position with Child Protective Services out of Amarillo, Texas. We are both excited for the opportunities it will provide for him!
Going back to West Texas is just about the last place on earth we imagined ourselves going, but we are thrilled for the new adventure! We were both very nervous leading up to graduation because we were uncertain what the future would hold. With baby coming in August, we knew we needed to know if, where and when we'd be moving for a job as soon as possible. We prayed all semester long for the right opportunities, at the right time, that would provide us security for the future. We had a few disappointments that left us feeling a little confused and anxious. But ultimately, we had faith that God would answer our prayers when we needed them most. When the interview came up in Amarillo, we both laughed, but it ultimately felt just right. And, amazingly, Nathaniel was offered the job on the spot! We're both grateful for the opportunities this new step in his career will afford. Congrats, Nathaniel!
Of course, with the move and baby on the way, I will be leaving my position at The Norman Transcript to stay home full time. I am nervous for the transition, but so grateful for the opportunity to be with my girl all the time! Working at the paper has been a great ride, but I am ready for this new phase of life!

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