While in Miami we talked our heads off and ate more food than was even remotely reasonable. We slept in, went to the mall, walked around Vizcaya Museum and Gardens and generally just enjoyed ourselves.
At Vizcaya. So beautiful and peaceful.
At Vizcaya.
My sister-in-law, Patty, checking out the view at Vizcaya.
Vizcaya again.
We drove back to Orlando after our visit in Miami to catch a flight. We spent Saturday afternoon by ourselves in Orlando and caught a performance by the Blue Man Group — it was a blast. Interactive and hilarious.

My brother-in-law and sister-in-law's cat really liked me. Apparently she likes nobody. It made me want a cat. She was so cuddly and curious!
With weather like that, what's not to enjoy. And yes, get a cat!!!
Right?! Do you have a cat, Shermeen?!
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