Before and after.
I went in with several photos of Michelle William's pixie cut, a la...
I really loved it at first. And then I felt totally neutral about it. Figured I'd probably get bored of this just as quickly as anything else. Then I started noticing the bad parts of the actual cut and was really upset — there were some parts of the cut that weren't executed very well. My friend, Kathleen, fixed the cut for me while she was in town and then I loved it again. By the time I had it redone — by a different stylist at a different salon — I totally loved it again. Plus I upped up the blonde factor, and that was just fun!
After I had it redone.
What I love most about a pixie cut is it challenges ideas of female beauty standards. I also love it because you can't hide behind your hair when you have very little of just have to own yourself and be confident! Both things I'm all about! I'm not sure if I'll keep it in the long-run, as it will be pricey to maintain the cut and color, but I do LOVE it!
What do you think about short cuts on women?

I love it! I think you are one of the few lucky women who can rock any hairstyle!
You absolutely pull it off. I really don't think I have the face or confidence for short hair. Short hair isn't for everyone. Some women can rock it (YOU) and other's can't (ME)! xx
Thank you, Kathleen! I'm glad I've officially crossed pixie off my list!
Thank you, Sherms! Do you like having your hair up? I think that's the ultimate litmus test...I'm sure you could pull off whatever you wanted to pull off! All about attitude, sista!
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