I babysat some boys a few days ago who have some of the most brilliant imaginations.
The Monkey jumping off the "spaceship." Mr. Baseball telling me about the spaceship. And Little Bruiser busy being a space alien.
Believe it or not, we actually took a trip to the moon on Friday night. It was magical.
The boys building a spaceship to take us to the moon.
I believe the ability to be creative transcends into all things in our lives. I feel teaching children to be creative is one of the most critical things we can give them. The ability to be creative, is the ability to problem-solve, critically think, analyze any situation and come up with a solution. Of course, creativity is art and music, too, but really, it is so much more.
The little space alien who terrorized the astronauts.
It was creativity and imagination that got man on the moon. This definitely wouldn't have happend without that very first spark of "what if":
The father of these crazy kids is using his own creativity to find a solution to a problem that will allow him to serve others. But he needs our help! Joey served a mission for the LDS church in Japan, and loves the Japanese people and culture. So when he saw that the church was looking for volunteers to help clean up the devastation left behind from the recent earthquake and tsunami, he was all for it. But seeing as how he's currently in school, spare change is hard to come by. All Joey has to do is get there, room and board will be covered. If you're interested in helping sponsor Joey get to Japan, e-mail him at joey dot franklin at gmail dot com.
The boys in space. Notice how they turned all the lights off? Brilliant, I tell you.
Creativity, in every form, is well worth the investment.
"If you possess creative gifts, you have an obligation to use them in such a way as to bring beauty, peace, quality, utility, and refinement into life's experience. As mentioned before, sharing your gifts can bring satisfaction to you as the gift giver as well as to those who enjoy the fruits of your creativity. Creative diversity has so many potential benefits. Simply by making an attempt to develop some talent of skill, you are almost certain to bring new dimensions of appreciation into your life. It is an enterprise well worth the effort." -- Dean L. Larsen

Wow Hannah, thanks! And thanks for watching those kooky, uh I mean creative, kiddos of ours!
They crack me up. It really is a blast, and I'd be happy to do it again if we weren't moving!!
The little one in the background saying "mamma" is just the cutest. How great are you to let them jump all over your furniture! I totally agree that creativity and imagination are essentials for children xx
He is ADOOORABLE, and all smiles! They weren't jumping on my furniture, that was their parents'! The funny part is they told me not to tell their parents...of course, their parents didn't care at all. Classic.
Awww these photos are so adorable!!
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