I woke up bright and early June 1 to get ready to be a bridesmaid in Taylor's wedding. We all had a blast getting ready in anticipation of Tay's big day!
Myself and the bride.
I think we were all well and ready once the ceremony finally came around and it was perfect! The weather was beautiful and the pastor's delivery even sweeter. The entire ceremony focused around the marital covenant and its connection to the Savior Jesus Christ. It was simple, tender and so sweet. I'm so grateful I was there to witness and support my dear friend marry the man of her life! Marriage is such a gift and I know they will make big things from it!
High school friends :)
To top off a perfect ceremony, the reception was awesome! The food was delicious, company great and the music kept us dancing all night! And did I mention the view? The reception was at a lighthouse, right on the water...so breathtaking!
With the bride, with my love, at the reception.
You can check out some of the professional photos here.

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