As a married, college student, money is not exactly in great abundance. Typically, that's something to complain about. To throw pity parties and cry "woe is me for my great lack of money!" But lately, I've been feeling quite the opposite.
Being broke has made me grateful. I don't have money for the things I want -- for fancy make-up, for new clothes and pretty shoes. I no longer have money to get my nails done, and certainly can't afford to get my "hair did" besides at a place like Supercuts. I don't have money to go out to the movies, to buy arts and crafts supplies, or go on elaborate vacations. We eat a lot of noodles, and I'm my own "personal trainer." But that's perfectly okay with me.
What I do have, is an increased self-esteem. I am beautiful without elaborate make-up or high heels. I don't need to be wearing the latest in fashion trends, or have my nails and hair done in the salon to know I am a good person. Our entertainment funds isn't exactly large, and that's taught me to focus on things that are a little more important. We don't exactly eat gourmet and I have to teach myself healthy habits, but hey, I have the ability to learn.
Above everything, what I've learned is I have a Heavenly Father who is kind, merciful and honest. I have been blessed with some of the most wonderful people in the world. Poor? Maybe by worldly standards, but not in any other way.

Tell me how! I suppose though, poverty is no longer limited to young married couples or college students. People are loosing jobs and loosing homes left right and centre. But you two have love above all else and not everyone can say that through these strained economic times xx
You are so right, Shermeen. Money seems to be short for everyone these days. That's why you have to count your blessings when you can! You just have to find joy in the journey! If you pray about trying to be grateful for what you have, and then each day you pick something little to be grateful just becomes a habit!
Check this helped me put things in perspective:
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